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We health test our breeding stock in accordance with the recommendations of the Golden Retriever Club of America


We participate in  breeder education on best breeding practices, including advances in canine health. 


We comply with the AKC Care and Conditions Policy, allow inspections by the AKC, and share our AKC heatlh testing and continuing education documentation.


We uphold the AKC's tradition of breeding purebred dogs that are happy and healthy.


We accept responsibility for the health and well-being of the puppies we produce and for complying with all laws regarding the ownership and maintenance of dogs.

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Some breeders produce champions for the show ring,. We produce champions for your heart! 


Our dogs are members of our family who sleep by our side, not in a kennel or crated for the show ring. We have daily walks, regular swims in our neighborhood ponds and lakes, and the run of our acreage.


We don't spend the extensive time and money that it takes to compete for those trophies and titles, but we sure appreciate the breeders who do so. We take advantage of their expertise and breed into their lines to produce quality dogs for your family.


Our pups live right underfoot as soon as they are born, and are used to the routine of indoor-living. They socialize with our older dogs, who teach them manners,. We handle the pups daily and our neighborhood children assist in the socialization process! 


We interview our puppies future owners to ensure that they have family who welcomes our pup in their home, maintains the pup's health and safety, and trains their pup to be respectful of others. 


We educate our pup's families on health, nutrition, and advice for having a smooth transition, and we remain a source of advice throughout the dog's lifetime.


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